You’ve gone through all the work to earn your MEF-CECP – don’t let it expire! The fact that you passed it the first time is a great indicator that you can easily pass the re-certification exam and show your company, and the industry, that your Carrier Ethernet expertise is up-to-date.

Our MEF-CECP reBOOT training is a focused 2-day course designed for current and former MEF-CECP professionals wishing to refresh their expertise and renew their certifications. The exam is updated annually to reflect the recent work of MEF and has been revised 4 times since its inception to include new and/or enhancements to technical material based upon the ongoing work of the MEF Technical and Operations Committee (TOC). In reBOOT, we’ll review the revised MEF-CECP exam blueprint that’s used as a basis for incorporating new material into the current MEF-CECP exam.

Specifically, the course will cover updates in:

  • Carrier Ethernet EVC Service Definitions and the UNI Interface
  • Carrier Ethernet OVC Service Definitions and the ENNI Interface
  • Circuit Emulation, Synchronization and Mobile Backhaul
  • Carrier Ethernet Service OAM and Protection
  • Carrier Ethernet Transport Technologies
  • Ethernet Access Technologies
  • Carrier Ethernet Certification

Here are the top 5 reasons why you should renew your MEF-CECP Certification 


Your MEF-CECP is recognition of your Carrier Ethernet expertise. Keeping that expertise up to date is important to you and your company.


Prepping to take the exam again is a great way to refresh your Carrier Ethernet expertise whether you attend a course, take advantage of our study guide or review on your own.


You succeeded the first time, and while there are new topics, re-certification will require much less effort than your first exam.


The exam now covers material that wasn’t included on your first certification exam. The new topics are the most talked about in the industry, including Service OAM technologies, OVC Services and updates to the MEF core technical specifications – MEF 6.2 and MEF 10.3.


Besides covering all the updates, you’ll learn the hottest new Carrier Ethernet subjects and get a detailed look at the MEF’s future direction.

The Carrier Ethernet reBoot training is available onsite only. To schedule a session, please contact us.